The Media center

What is The Media Center?
Our church library is known as The Media Center because of the many different types of media we have in our collection. We have an extensive catalog of over 4,500 items including CD’s, DVD’s, puzzles, magazines, and especially BOOKS!
We have many different categories for each age level and interest. A large section of our Media Center is devoted to Children’s Books, known as the Kid’s Corner. We also have sections for Young Adults, Fiction, Non-Fiction, New and Featured, Cookbooks, How-to’s, Biographies, and Reference.
We have a growing collection of CD’s with many different styles of christian music for almost every taste including Worship, Gospel, Rock, Hip-Hop, Rap, Contemporary, and much more.
We have a large variety of DVD’s including comedies, documentaries, faith-based films, and movies for kids and family.
Even More…
Our Media Center also carries periodicals, magazines, puzzles and more! Come by and see all we have to offer.